Hello and welcome to my page. I'm new to this whole blogging thing and I'm learning as I'm going, so bear with me.
I've decided to start a page for ordinary folk, like myself, who are interested in growing their own veggies but have no idea where to start or what to do. I hope to provide some advice to help make the process seem less intimidating and more appealing.
Growing your own veggies is such a fun and fulfilling hobby. I, for one, am left with an immense feeling of pride and sense of achievement. There are few things in life that excite me more than venturing to my greenhouse and seeing signs of growth where before there was none or digging into soil only to find a wealth of potatoes. It's an exhilaration that cannot be described but must be felt.
So from one novice veggie grower to others, may your tomatoes be juicy, your peas be sweet and your salad leaves be endless.